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Let's Dance!

Aggiornamento: 23 mar 2021

Canticum Neptunis has two beautiful rooms where you can play and dance.

The MAIN ballroom and the UNDERWATER ballroom.

Any DJ or singer can perform wherever he wants based on preference or mood.

However, in both cases to connect your audio stream and activate the tipjars you must always connect first to the SHOUTCAST BOARD in the MAIN room.

Our dance machines are available in both rooms: The big red heart for COUPLE DANCES and the blue or pink angel for male and female SINGLE DANCES ... it's incredible!! over 100 BENTO dances !!

In the main room, in the perimeter of the dance floor, there are also DANCE PADS with about 80 differents dances. These PADS can also be managed and controlled by DJs or HOSTs wearing our STAFF GROUP using the LEADER PAD in front of the DJ console.

In both rooms, in the center of the floor, there is the dance machine for the CONGA GROUP DANCE.

So dancing is never a problem at NEW CANTICUM NEPTUNIS !! even outside the two ballrooms you will always find our dance machines available if you are looking for a little privacy with your partner...for example on the beach, or on the romantic terrace or in other small secret places that you can find in our beautiful land ;)

The MAIN ROOM is the most equipped and in that room every DJ or Host wearing our STAFF GROUP can also turn the lights on/off or change the lights, fog and lasers as they prefer .... Obviously we suggest you do not overdo the special effects if you don't want to create too much "lag" !!

This room is therefore recommended for commercial or electronic music.

The UNDERWATER DANCE ROOM is perhaps advisable for a more romantic performance ... or for a party in a bathing suit or topless !!

In this room it is NOT possible to change the lights but it is still equipped with our superb dance-machines, a DJ console, our panels that will show the DJ on the air and our usual tipjars for hosts and DJs

Visit our club in SECOND LIFE:

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