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  • danielsleepwalker


Aggiornamento: 17 apr 2021


• NO! Child Avatars

• NO! Harassment or Bullying

• NO! Sexism, Omophobia or Transphobia

• Nudity and public sex allowed but NOT in disco-area

• Don't expect complete privacy. If you need more privacy ask the staff how to rent one of our beautiful furnished skybox at very affordable prices and the best adult animations on the grid.

• Stay as long as you like.

Please join our group and visit our social pages.

We highly encourage all forms of photography or videos and we hope you'll share them in our social groups


DJs and SINGERS can play what they want, where they want and when they want ... compatibly with the availability of the Club verifiable through the SCHEDULE BOARD at the landing point

I remind you that each box on the board corresponds to a single hour and the reference time zone is that of Second Life.

If you are a DJ or a singer remember that linden can only be earned via tipjar (100% for you!)

The Club offers you a beautiful place to perform and an equipped structure but cannot guarantee a remuneration or a presence of the audience.

Advertising at your events must be organized mainly by YOU, but if you want we can of course help you and you can also use our SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, Flickr, Twitch, Youtube) and our visitors' group to advertise your sets !!

If this is your first time playing in our club, always wait for confirmation from the owner or manager before booking your first set.

After receiving this confirmation, if it is the first time you play in our club, we suggest you always check, one day in advance, that everything is working and that you have perfectly understood how to connect to our SHOUTCAST BOARD.

In case of problems or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact the Owner or Manager

Remember to notify the club in as soon as possible if the address of your audio stream has changed.

About the STAFF RULES we only ask the staff to be fair and respectful towards others ...

• Avoid controversy or discussions in local chat with other DJs or visitors:

We try to always maintain an atmosphere of serenity and mutual respect.

In case of disputes, please contact MANAGER or OWNER privately, I am sure that together and calmly we will find a solution to any problem.

• Respect any commitments made with the Club:

Out of respect for colleagues and the Club, please always check the commitments you have made in the SCHEDULE BOARD and if you find anomalies or and if you need a change of program, no problem, but please notify the Owner or the Manager as soon as possible!

Do not hesitate to contact us even if you have technical difficulties in using the SCHEDULE BOARD.

• Be punctual!

Above all out of respect for your colleagues who anticipate or precede you, be punctual and respect the times you have entered in the SCHEDULE BOARD.

In case of delays or problems do not hesitate to contact the Manager or Owner as soon as possible.

I remind you that each box of the SCHEDULE BOARD corresponds to a single hour and the reference time zone is that of Second Life.

The conversion between Second Life time zone and Central Europe time zone (Italy, France, Spain, Germany...) is HERE

Please also remember that you can also use our SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, Flickr, Twitch, Youtube) and our visitors' group to advertise your sets !!

• As known for playing in our club the STAFF group with DJ tag is provided ...

PLEASE NOTE: in case of TOTAL INACTIVITY after about 15 days you will be expelled from the STAFF group and to return to play you will need a new registration.

So please try to enter, at least, two set per month at our Club to keep your membership active.

Obviously sets with a fixed and weekly frequency are always preferable for us.

Visit our club in SECOND LIFE:

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